Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Smooth roads never make good drivers.

There is a saying that goes something like this.

"Smooth roads never make good drivers, clear skies never make good pilots, a problem free life never makes a strong person."

I thought about that as I was driving Noah to his new school to drop off some paperwork.The school year is quickly approaching, and we are starting to transition back to the old routine. Well, old routine, but new surroundings. And it's new surroundings for both boys. Nik is starting high school, and Noah is starting middle school this year.

The road leading to the school is freshly paved. New clothes are neatly folded and waiting for that first day of school. Freshly sharpened pencils, crisp folders, and spiral bound notebooks are ready to meet the new school year. It's all so perfect.

But the reality is that nothing is perfect. The road will grow bumpy over time. Clothes will get dirty. Pencils will break. You get the idea. Hard work lies ahead for us. Because nothing that is truly worth it, is easy. There will be struggles for the boys.  Nik will try to find his niche in high school, and starting the 4 year transition to adulthood.  Noah will be increasing his independence, and hopefully become a more social kid. There will be moments where Alex and I will feel that loss for the futures we had planned 14 and 11 years ago. This usually happens around IEP meetings.

The months will fly by. And fortunately, the great will outweigh the not so great moments of the school year. At the end of May, we will look back and say what we always say. Look at the amazing progress our boys made!

Yeah, it would be great for that road to stay nice and smooth. But that would be boring, wouldn't it? Bring on the new year. We're ready to face the challenge.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

You've made your bed, now lay in it, kid.

We're working on life skills at home this summer.  The past few days, Noah has regressed in making up his bed. I have showed him the steps again. Then I talked him through the steps. Today, I just told him to make it himself. He kept saying he can't.

My response was to give him a big hug and say "I believe in the power of Noah. I believe in you." I was pretty proud of my words encouragement, until Noah shot back with "I'm tired of your beliefs, mom."

Yes, I had to stifle some laughter. I walked away and Noah finally made his bed.  Victory is mine!

Monday, July 15, 2013

When the joy of life takes over.

Sometimes you just have to dance like nobody is watching. Well, this isn't exactly a dance. There are times when the joy of life just takes over Noah. It can be triggered by anything that he loves. From reminiscing about a favorite vacation, a song that he loves, excitement over going out to meet the day head on, or talking about a place that he wants to visit.

He will start by bouncing up and down. Then his arms will start moving. Finally, the hands wave in the air like he just doesn't care! A smile will spread across his face. That is joy Noah style! Go on with yourself, Noah! Spread the joy around you, buddy.

Saturday, July 6, 2013

4th of July Fun!

We had a nice, relaxing 4th of July week. Alex decided to take the week off, so we had tons of quality family time. We started off the week with some yard work. Not fun, but it was necessary. The rest of the week was spent with good friends, good food, and some good old fashion competition.

 I play Toss Across like a boss!

Toss that bag, son!

Noah stifles a laugh at Dad's poor throwing performance. 

Yeah, I rocked this game like nobody's business. And since this is my blog, there's no one else to dispute that fact. So there.

We also headed to the movies to see Despicable Me 2, followed by lunch at Red Robin. 

We brought out the cards. Go fish, or go home, boys! I'm not going to lie. I suffered a humiliating defeat. 
Is that the face of a card shark? Hell yeah! Don't be fooled. 

We also spent time with our friends. It's great to have another family who gets us. No worrying about the kids making sound effects or being their unique selves. We were all able to just hang out and enjoy each others company. And the food was awesome too. They had a bubble machine going, and the day quickly earned the nickname "the bubble party."

We followed up the week by meeting our friends at the pool. I love weeks like this. Just simple, fun time with each other. Ahhh. Life is good.