Friday, September 27, 2013

Meeting a friend from Germany

We had the pleasure of helping out a friend from Germany. My friend Hadley's daughter was visiting here as camp counselor for special needs children..The boys and I served as her chauffeur for the day.  What a remarkable young lady she is. So wise beyond her years, and with such a tender heart. We became buddies in a matter of minutes. Until next time, Marika!

These goodies came all the way from Germany. The candy was delicious! Thank you, Hadley!

The Vader Monologue

This week's acting assignment called for Nik to create a 3 minute monologue of a character. He picked Darth Vader. He wanted to show the transformation from Anakin Skywalker to Darth Vader. We did research over the weekend, and Nik wrote the monologue on Monday, with a little help from me.

During the week, he had a chance to rehearse on stage. He plotted out different movements across the stage, and even brought a cape and Darth Vader mask with him.  Today is the big performance in front of the class. Here he is, getting ready to head out the door this morning. Note the Vader is Coming
t shirt.

Saturday, September 21, 2013

It's Spiderman, y'all!

This is how we do flu shots. I'm thrilled to report that for the first time, we did not have to restrain Noah, I mean Spiderman. Woo hoo! And Nik handled it like a champ too. He gave himself the super hero nickname of Stingman. Because he survived a sting in the arm. Go Nik!

As a reward for hanging in there, we treated the kids to some Halloween Shopping. It's never too early to shop for Halloween in this house.

Friday, September 20, 2013

Making a regular day into something special

Kids have a great day of turning your ordinary day into something special. My kids are no different. At the drop of a hat, they will come up with themes for a day.

Noah created Fairy Tale Friday. The problem was that he only gave me one day notice. So I had to throw some things together.

First up, we made gingerbread men out of felt. And there were crowns, of course. Can't have a fairy tale without crowns.

I decorated the dining room table. Yes, that is Cinderella. Did I buy it because the boys thought she was cute, or because it was on sale? 

After dinner, we sat down to watch Jack and the Giant Slayer. 

Followed by gingerbread men cookies. They were made by hand, so they looked more like Jabba the Hut.

Nothing fancy. Just a few things thrown together to make the day a little more special. The kids came up with it all on their own. And they really loved it.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Gone fishin'

On Labor Day weekend, we headed over to a local farm. There is a nice little fishing hole there, stocked with catch and release fish. It's old school fishing, with just a cane pole and a bucket of worms.  The kids really like this. And I do too, as long as Alex is there to handle the worms.

There is a pier that circles the fishing hole, so you can find the perfect spot. We moved a couple of times. Each time, the fish would take the worm, but not get hooked.

We tried for an hour, and the worms were dwindling down, but the kids would not give up hope.

Finally, on the very last worm, Noah caught a fish. Nik and Noah were so excited!
