Friday, November 1, 2013

Halloween 2013

This was a fun Halloween season. On Saturday, Nik and Noah participated in a Halloween party with our Special needs ministry at church. They had so much fun. Here they are on our way to the party.

On Halloween day, Nik's class had a big party. They invited other special needs classes from neighboring schools. The class did a fundraiser and handled all the planning on their own. What an awesome way to teach them some very important life skills. And Nik had a blast at the party.

In the evening, we did our traditional carving of the pumpkin.

I, Jack, the Pumpkin King!

Then it was our turn to trick or treat. No, I did not get candy for myself. But this was my costume that I wore to work. 

Noah must have had a great time. I could hear him singing himself to sleep. "Yahoo! Celebrate good times, come on! Celebrate good times, come on!" He's either a fan of Halloween or Kool & the Gang.

Happy Halloween!

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