Friday, December 11, 2015

The benefits of traveling for the child with Autism

Traveling with 2 children with Autism isn't always easy, but it certainly is worth the effort. We started traveling when Nik was a year old. Noah's first trip was when he was only a year old as well. In every trip, the kids always learn something about the world we live in. Travel gives so many opportunities for them.

They learn how to roll with what life brings them. There is nothing like being stuck at an airport, or an airplane for 5 hours to teach you to make the most of every opportunity. In the beginning, it was an opportunity to learn not to kick the seat in front of them. Now, it's an opportunity to talk to TSA agents, independently pick up your items off the security checkpoint, ask for your drink and snack when the flight attendant comes by. And most importantly, remember that there are others on the plane. No screaming, kicking, or jumping.
You are not the only person in the plane. Respect others and their personal space. An important lesson.

They learn how to deal with lots of people. You can't expect to live in a bubble all your life. Bringing them out into the world teaches my kids how to control some of their behavior in public. Jumping up and down, hand flapping, playing with your rope in public isn't always acceptable. You need to get out of your own little world and mingle with others sometimes.
So many people!

Explore unfamiliar surroundings! Children with Autism love to stick to routines. But Alex and I are firm believers of always trying to push the kids to try new adventures. Why limit yourself? Be bold and try something that you may not be crazy about at first. You may surprise yourself. Embrace every opportunity to try something new.
They were nervous to feed the stingrays, but quickly found themselves enjoying it.

Travel allows you to see the beauty in the world. A learning opportunity is around every corner. When the kids were little, we would point out things like the beautiful colors of the Caribbean, or taught them to say hi in a foreign language. It could have also been as simple as making eye contact with someone who was talking to them. Now that they are older, we talk about the history of a place we are visiting.

What a wonderful world!

Finally, travel is just plain fun! Yes, travel is probably more challenging for us than the average family. There are things we have to plan for and think about that many other families don't have to. But the extra effort is so worth it! These kids are worth it! It has always been my dream to take the kids on a European trip. Something always seems to get in the way. But I have faith that we can pull it off!

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