Monday, February 29, 2016

There's been an awakening. Have you felt it?

Yes, it's another Star Wars quote to kick off another blog entry. Old habits die hard. But I will put a different spin on this one. This is about an awakening of faith.

Let me take you back some 14 and 12 year ago, when we first came to the realization that there was something different about our boys. Nik was 2 when we first noticed something different. Before that, he was a typical baby, meeting all the appropriate milestones right on time. Then it was as if he hit a brick wall. There was no progress, only regression. He lost a lot of speech. He was not making progress on fine motor skills. He would go through moments where he would just stare ahead and not respond to his name. I would clap my hands in front of his face to get his attention, and he would look at me for a second, then turn away.  Noah's story is a bit different. Noah didn't regress, but he just stopped making progress for a while. Autism is different with every person, even among siblings.

When we finally did get a diagnosis for our boys, I went through the typical emotions that any other special needs parent goes through. I was scared about the future. I had no idea what the future would hold for them, what kind of job they would have, if they would be able to have meaningful relationships. There were so many unknowns about their future. With all of that worry on my shoulders, I also worried about their faith. I am someone who has always been strong in my faith. Even when I had no church, I was strong in my faith in God. I wanted my children to have that same faith in God. I can't imagine going through life without feeling the peace of knowing and loving God. It broke my heart to feel that I may not be able to teach my kids about God.

I feel so fortunate to have found a church home for us. The kids are right at home, attending bible study with their special needs ministry group. They have the opportunity to attend church, listen to great music, then head to their bible study. They have learned so much with the group. The ministry has an amazing team of staff and volunteers who pour their heart and soul in to these kids. Because of this ministry, my boys are deepening their faith and learning what it means to following the teachings of Jesus.

This weekend, the boys were confirmed along with their peers. It was a moment that I will never forget. Thinking back at a time when I worried if they would ever develop a relationship with God, and now seeing them at the alter to receive their blessing. I cried, and I'm totally not a crier. I cried the ugly cry. You know the one, ladies. Let's just say that I'm thankful for waterproof mascara. I was moved to see the progress that my sons have made. Life is never easy. And it's even more of a challenge when you have Autism. I know that God does not protect us from having struggles in life. Struggling is a part of life and we all must push through it. But I do know that my faith has carried me through some pretty tough stuff. And I know that faith will carry my boys as well. So we are on the right path to knowing and loving God. We are ready to learn about serving God.

There really has been an awakening in my boys. I have felt it. They have felt it. Have you felt it?

Sunday, February 14, 2016

Everything you need to learn about life, you can learn from Star Wars

There is a theme to this blog. Well there are multiple themes. But my main discussion points are about Autism, and our journey in raising two children on the spectrum to be productive and happy members of society. There is one very important tool that we use to reach our kids. And that tool is nerdom. We embrace nerdom here. I don't know if that's a word or not, but I just made it one. We not only embrace it, but we use it as a tool to teach the kids things that are difficult to explain to someone on the spectrum.

The Star Wars obsession runs deep in this house. We are Star Wars fanatics. I have had a 40 year love affair with this movie. I am convinced that any important life lesson that I want to teach my kids, I can teach them through Star Wars. So today I present to you the 7 important life lessons that I have taught my kids through Star Wars.

1. "Do or do not. There is no try." This one is our motto. In fact, it was the title of my very first blog entry. We can live our lives frozen in fear, afraid to do anything, or we can just go for it. That little phrase can help me to convince the kids to go outside their comfort zones. It is also a way to encourage them when they are doubting themselves. You are either going to do it, or you are not. Why not go all in?

2. "Don't tell me the odds." There are challenges with Autism. There is no way around this. There is no way to protect the kids from this. I refuse to limit them. Sure, the road is paved with challenges, but they can succeed if they believe. Don't let the odds stop you, kid. Spread those wings and fly.

3. "Patience you must have, my young Padawan." Being patient does not come easy, especially to a young person with Autism. We worked hard on this one, and I think the kids have come a long way. You can't go through life expecting instant gratification. Sometimes you must wait.

4. "Use the force, Luke." You have the ability inside you. You can do it! Believe and you can succeed.

5. "I find your lack of faith disturbing." Always believe yourself. Surround yourself with supportive people who believe in you. Life is too short to let someone drag you down.

6. "Hey we don't serve their kind here! They'll have to wait outside. We don't want them here." Noah loves this scene. The cantina scene music might be his favorite song. It's even his ring tone. That quote is a way to teach the kids that sometimes people will be just plain mean. Some people discriminate. How you handle that will speak volumes about your character.

7. "When I left you, I was but the learner. Now I am the master." One day, the kids will move on their own. The goal is to grow up to be the master. Work hard at those social and job skills, and you will be the master.

I could go on with this list. Seriously, there are so many words of wisdom wrapped up in Star Wars movies. These are just a few that come to mind.

And yes, we have seen Star Wars The Force Awakens. Three times. And it was awesome!

May the force be with you!