The Star Wars obsession runs deep in this house. We are Star Wars fanatics. I have had a 40 year love affair with this movie. I am convinced that any important life lesson that I want to teach my kids, I can teach them through Star Wars. So today I present to you the 7 important life lessons that I have taught my kids through Star Wars.
1. "Do or do not. There is no try." This one is our motto. In fact, it was the title of my very first blog entry. We can live our lives frozen in fear, afraid to do anything, or we can just go for it. That little phrase can help me to convince the kids to go outside their comfort zones. It is also a way to encourage them when they are doubting themselves. You are either going to do it, or you are not. Why not go all in?
2. "Don't tell me the odds." There are challenges with Autism. There is no way around this. There is no way to protect the kids from this. I refuse to limit them. Sure, the road is paved with challenges, but they can succeed if they believe. Don't let the odds stop you, kid. Spread those wings and fly.
3. "Patience you must have, my young Padawan." Being patient does not come easy, especially to a young person with Autism. We worked hard on this one, and I think the kids have come a long way. You can't go through life expecting instant gratification. Sometimes you must wait.
4. "Use the force, Luke." You have the ability inside you. You can do it! Believe and you can succeed.
5. "I find your lack of faith disturbing." Always believe yourself. Surround yourself with supportive people who believe in you. Life is too short to let someone drag you down.
6. "Hey we don't serve their kind here! They'll have to wait outside. We don't want them here." Noah loves this scene. The cantina scene music might be his favorite song. It's even his ring tone. That quote is a way to teach the kids that sometimes people will be just plain mean. Some people discriminate. How you handle that will speak volumes about your character.
7. "When I left you, I was but the learner. Now I am the master." One day, the kids will move on their own. The goal is to grow up to be the master. Work hard at those social and job skills, and you will be the master.
I could go on with this list. Seriously, there are so many words of wisdom wrapped up in Star Wars movies. These are just a few that come to mind.
And yes, we have seen Star Wars The Force Awakens. Three times. And it was awesome!
May the force be with you!
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