Sunday, April 28, 2013

Today was one of those days where not much happened, but it was awesome nonetheless. We decided to skip church this morning in order to make Mickey Mouse waffles. I have this ancient waffle machine that makes waffles in the shape of the mouse himself.

I should have snapped a picture. Epic blog fail. Anyway, here is a crazy woman and her blender.

We all sat around the table to enjoy breakfast. Then Noah said the most awesome thing ever. "My life is good, Mom." Awwwww! That's it. That made my day, month, year, life. I love that kid!

It was such a gorgeous day outside, that we decided to go to our favorite place, the Arboretum.
It used to be free, but now it's $3. Totally worth it! We go here at least 6 times a year.
We love to walk around the lake and check out the Koi fish.

Then Alex spotted some turtles sunbathing. Unfortunately, I did not have my telephoto lens, so I didn't get a picture. But here is Alex saying "Hey, look at those turtles over there."

We continued our walk to the waterfall area. It's been pretty cold here, so the flowers were not in full bloom, but I did come across this interesting little family of pots.  Cute sandals.

Next up was the walkway of statues. The kids love this area. As the name implies, it's a walkway lined with statues.

The kids love to imitate the statues.

And now for something interesting.

Baby got back!

                                                                      Noah trying to imitate the pose.

Yes, it looks like they are squatting to poop, but that wasn't the idea.

And some beautiful flowers in bloom!

To finish off the day, we bought some frozen custard on the way home. What a glorious day!

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