Thursday, August 8, 2013

A day at the farm

When we first moved here, one of our favorite places to visit was the farmstead. The kids loved the playground area. And they got to feed different animals. It's been a couple of years since we have payed a visit to the farm. Last summer was just too hot.On Monday, we met our friends and had such a nice morning just wandering around.

In previous years, Noah loved going to the playground to play on these little animals. He would stay there all day if we let him. So, when we passed the playground on Monday, he asked to play on the animals again. I was hesitant, because he is really too big for them.I didn't want people staring. But his heart was set on playing, so I just let him. He was so happy. And we only got a couple of glances. There was a dad and his toddler playing in that area, and the dad and I exchanged a short but friendly greeting. So, I worried about the bad glances for nothing. And when Noah was finally ready to leave, another girl his age came running over to the playground. She had Down Syndrome. So Noah was not alone in his love for this area.

We had a great time at the Farmstead. It really made me realize how much the kids have grown in the past 2 years. We'll have to come back before they really are too big for this place. 

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