Monday, December 16, 2013

"I am king under the mountain!" - Smaug

Last week was Hobbit week in this house. What is Hobbit week? A completely made up week long celebration of all things Hobbit. We are big Hobbit/ Lord of the Rings fans. So for the five days leading up to The Hobbit: Desolation of Smaug, I did little things to build up the excitement.

Day one: a gift of hobbit slippers
Day two: another gift, Gollum winter hats
Day three: The Hobbit illustrated movie guide
Day four: Movie release day t shirts
Day Five: A home made Hobbit cake, then we went to see the movie.

Noah waiting for the school bus Friday morning. Decked out in his Smaug shirt.

Alex ended up taking Friday off, so he could help with the cake. I think we could have done a better job, but black ice in the morning made shopping for cake supplies impossible.
I'll forgive you if this picture ends up on Cake Wrecks.

We went to an IMAX screening, and loved it! We can't wait for the last Hobbit movie. The kids handled the crowd great. Here are the kids wearing their Hobbit gifts.

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