Monday, April 21, 2014

Easter 2014

We celebrated Easter this weekend. It was such a picture perfect weekend here in town. After I got home from church, we got busy with the festivities. Noah is allergic to egg whites, so we have never colored eggs before. But this year, I decided to make a potato salad, so we found use for the eggs and colored for the first time!

Since the weather was so nice, we moved the egg hunt outside.


The hunt concluded with the Easter basket reveal...

and disappointment by one kid. Poor Nik. I put allot of thought into what he would like in his basket. I put a couple of Lego kits in there, new rope (he loves rope), candy, a stuffed toy, money. Well, he wanted an action figure like Noah. :( I promised that he would get action figures for his birthday in 2 weeks.

We spent the rest of the day having a BBQ, going through the Easter goodies, and watching movies.

What a lovely Easter at home!

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