Saturday, May 3, 2014

Spiderman, Spiderman, does whatever a spider can!

Look out! Here comes Spiderman!

Ever since our trip to New York City last year, Noah has been a major Spiderman fanatic. For his birthday this year, we decided to redecorate his room with his favorite super hero.

We started a month ago, painting his room in blue. Then Alex sketched out our version of the New York City skyline in chalk.
Chalk outline of the skyline. Looks pretty good!

Then it was my turn to take over. I picked out 2 different colors of grey, one darker than the other. Actually painting the buildings was the hard part. I used small artist brushes, to make sure that I did not go out of the chalk lines. 

I quickly realized that it would be easier to paint if I outlined the buildings and got rid of the chalk line. So I went ahead and traced it out in black. This also took forever. I don't exactly have the steadiest of hands, so I had to be very slow and precise.

Once the buildings were traced out, I went back and carefully painted in the buildings. I am not lying or exaggerating when I tell you that this took over a week to do, working a little every day after I got home from work.

Next step was to paint in the windows. Alex took over this part of the project. Go Alex!
Yes, this took some time to do too!

Our goal was to complete this little project by Noah's birthday. Hurry up with those windows!

We finally topped it all off with a big Spiderman wall sticker. That greeted Noah when he got home from school on his birthday. I think he liked it!
Go Noah!

This definitely took longer than I thought it was going to, but it was so worth it. Noah loves his room!

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