Saturday, October 19, 2013

Break a leg!

This week, Nik performed in his first high school play. He played the DJ, and had a few lines. We worked at memorizing, and he had rehearsal with the rest of the cast. The day of the play ended up being an all day event. He had school until 3pm, followed by rehearsal, dinner with the drama department, more rehearsal, then the play. On his way out the door that morning, I told Nik to break a leg. He shot back with "Mom, are you crazy?" Oops. Sorry, I forget how kids with autism take things literally. 
Nik did not have a para with him after school, so we were nervous how he would handle things. He did look a little lost prior to the performance, but once he hit the stage, he did great! And most importantly, he had a great time.

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