Monday, July 7, 2014

Fishing on the 4th of July

We aren't huge 4th of July fans. The kids don't like the loud noise of the fireworks, so we usually avoid that. But we still manage to get out and do something fun. We took advantage of the long weekend. On the 4th, we headed to the Farmstead and did a little bit of fishing. We were not alone in our idea. The place was pretty packed.

First, we stopped by the one room school house.

Then we walked along the apple orchard. Noah is crazy about apples.

Next up, Noah rang the cow bells.

We headed over to the fishing hole. They have been eager to fish, but Alex has not been with in our last couple visits. 
Alex handles baiting the hooks.

Nik barely put his bait in the water when...

he caught a fish!

He was so excited!

Noah kept at at. He had fun hanging out.

Before long, Nik caught another fish!

After we ran out of bait, we decided to head home to BBQ. It was the perfect day to eat outside.

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