I needed a place to put some of my art supplies. I was keeping them in a bin, out of sight. But always having to dig through the bin, really slows down the creative process, so I decided that I want some of my frequently used supplies up on my desk, where I can see them.
I had a spare shoe box, and thought it would be perfect to use. So I started out with that. I cut off the lid, and went through the process of measuring, and applying the tape. Then I decided that I might want to keep the lid after all (oops), so I worked on covering it too. Even though I had cut the lid off, I think it still works just by setting it on top. So it worked out fine in the end.
I still needed more space for some of my markers, so I went through our recycling box, and came out with a store brand pop tart box. On a whim, I decided to let my kids try pop tarts for the first time. Big mistake. I see more pop tarts in my shopping future. By the way, that's my wedding dress in the background. Don't ask.
Next, I cut off all the tabs. That is one sharp x-acto knife. I bought it on clearance when Archiver's went out of business last year. I miss that store so much! When using an x-acto knife, it's wise to use a self healing mat. I'm a scrapbooker, so I have more than one.
Next step, measure out your strips of duct tape. I covered all sides of the box.
Ta da! It's not perfect, but it was just something I threw together quickly.
I went ahead and lined the rim of the box, just to give it a more polished look.
And here it is with some markers.
I need more boxes. Way more boxes.
Those are cute, and I love re-purposing instead of buying more stuff.