Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Santa's coming tonight, tonight. Santa's coming tonight!

Day two of out trip was Christmas Eve. Christmas Eve is a huge celebration with Alex's family. My Mather in law makes barrels of tamales. Yes, I said BARRELS! OMG they are so good. So they day started out with us just relaxing. Weather was glorious, so the kids spent plenty of time outside.
Well ok, I spent some time outside too.

The kids love their Abuela's orange tree.

I made the kids take a picture with me in between bites of the orange slices.

After a slow morning, we helped my mother in law start cooking the tamales. This involves neatly making a tower in the tamale pot.
This is just a small portion of the tamales.

After watching us prep the tamales, Noah needed a break. 


We all headed to Alex's sister in law's big Christmas Eve party. There were so many people that we had not seen in a couple of years. It was so nice to see everyone. 

There was minor issue when carolers came over to sing. Lyrics were skipped, and this set Noah off on a bit of a melt down. But other than that, a good time was had by all.
The kids enjoying the party.

The carolers. 

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