Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Day 4, part 2. A day at the museum.

Now that it had stopped raining, we were able to enjoy a nice walk back. We passed through a residential neighborhood. It was interesting to see people use their porches and balconies to further their living space. Some had chairs and lots of plants to turn the area into a nice place to sit, instead of being crammed into a small apartment. And the streets were equally crammed with cars.

Traffic jam on a residential street.

Here are some townhomes we passed along the way. Some had very pretty little gardens set up.

We reached midtown and decided to have lunch at Shake Shack. It was a weekday, so it was filled with people on their lunch break. We were lucky to find an empty table. The food was good. It reminded us allot of a place here in Kansas, called Unforked. We all had burgers, fries, and sodas, and Alex had a milkshake. The total came out to $38.

After lunch, we decided to hail a cab to take us to the Natural History Museum. Poor Noah slipped as he was getting into the cab, and banged up his shin pretty good. Poor little guy spent his last NYC cab ride hugging me for comfort. 

The ride to the museum was short. When we got there, we stood in a long, but fast moving line to pay admission. You must have a ticket to get in, but they only give a suggested amount to pay. You really could pay anything. I paid $59 for the 4 of us.  With tickets in hand, we were unleashed into the museum.

Sadly, I brought the wrong lens and could not get a good picture of the lobby. The ceiling was so pretty. And it had huge dinosaur fossils on display.

The boys both love museums, particularly Natural History Museums. But since a movie was filmed in this one, there were certain things that they wanted to check out.

There were so many things to look at, it was hard to get the boys to look at my camera.

I happened to look up at the ceiling and saw this guy looking down at us.

The kids were most excited to see the dinosaur exhibit. Noah is a walking dinosaur encyclopedia. We walked around and listened to him name and give facts for each dinosaur. He blew us away. And he didn't just know the popular ones (T Rex, Triceratops). He was able to correctly name things like Pentatriceratops,  Brontops, and Edmontosaurus.. 

Noah demonstrating how the dinosaur attacks it's prey.

I have no idea what that is behind them, but they did and loved it.

They were in love with the dinosaur exhibit. I think we must have spent an hour in that place. Of course, they really wanted to see the Easter Island statue from Night at the Museum. We had a heck of a time finding it. But we were finally successful!

They wanted to see the giant whale next, so that was the next thing to locate. Fortunately, we found it quickly, because we were all getting tired.

After we checked out the Ocean exhibit, we were wiped out. We did the walk through the souvenir shop and let the kids buy what they wanted, then we decided to head back to the hotel.

How do they fit so much into this museum?

Next up, a walk through Central Park.

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