Monday, June 17, 2013

Nik and Noah, Men of Steel

 We just got home from watching Man of Steel. While sitting in the theater, I couldn't help but find comparisons between the story of Kal (Superman), and my two boys. Let's do a little checklist of similarities, shall we. And some of this won't make sense if you haven't seen the movie. See it. It's amazing!

1. Kal was born in one location, but ended up being raised in Kansas. I bet his parents never thought they would raise a Kansas boy either.

2. Kal had a sensitivity to loud noise, lights, or outside stimuli as a young boy. It made it difficult to concentrate.

3. Kal often felt that this world was not made for him. He was often isolated, misunderstood, did not fit in with his peers.

4. Despite all of the obstacles he had to face, he worked at turning those challenges into a strength.

5. He had great hair, and knew how to rock a cape.

That about sums up my sons! Keep on soaring, Nik and Noah!

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