Thursday, June 27, 2013

Day 5. See Ya next time, New York!

We had an afternoon flight back home, so this gave us a couple of hours in the morning. The kids wanted to head back to Mc Donald's in Times Square, so we walked over for breakfast. This town is never dead. Times Square is always lit up.

Never a shortage of cabs.

Mc Donald's was pretty empty at that hour, so we were able to get some pictures. There was a small replica of Times  Square.

And since we were in Times Square, of course they had neon signs inside.

After breakfast, we just took a leisure stroll through Times Square, then headed back to the hotel.

Finally, a needle I could thread!

We spent the remainder of our time packing up. We had a car service take us to Newark, NJ for our flight home. It's about 45 minutes outside of NYC. We had an uneventful flight home, and were back in our own beds that night. We had so much fun on our trip. What a great experience for the boys. I'm so glad we went. What a blessing it was to just have a good time, without having to struggle with anxiety. This was definitely one of our favorite vacations.

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