Saturday, June 15, 2013

Happy Father's Day, SuperDad!

It's Father's Day. And in true self centered fashion, I would like to pat myself on the back. Because I picked an amazing father for my two boys. Of course, when we met way back in 1993, I had no idea that I was picking a father. I just thought I was picking a good looking guy with a car. Back then, having a car meant that you were awesome. You see, I had no car. In fact, I had no license either. So when a good friend pointed to Alex and his car, I did what any poor girl with no ride would say. "Oh hell yeah!"

Ok, so the car was a bit of a clunker. It honked when he turned the steering wheel. The radio sucked, and there was no air conditioner. Well, if you rolled down the window and he drove fast, then you kind of got a breeze. But Alex was most definitely not a clunker. I knew from date number one that he was amazing. He was so kind, and considerate. And holy hell, he even opened the car door for me. (Do you sense a trend with me and cars?) I quickly fell in love, and we married 3 years later. Three years after that, we became parents. Alex has been an amazing husband and father. Well, let's face it. He has survived living with me, my undiagnosed ADHD, love of junkie tv shows, and constant planning of vacations. That alone catapults him to awesome status. But to see him as a father is truly a special thing. He is great with the kids. His strengths as a parent really help to fill in the gaps of my own parenting style. He is great at pushing them to experience new things. Just the right amount of push, but always there to encourage. It's such a joy to watch him with our sons.

Like every person, I have made my share of mistakes. But here is where I got it totally right. I married Alex. Happy Father's Day to Alex, aka SuperDad! Spoiler alert! Alex, if  you are reading this a day early, this is your card.

1 comment:

  1. Aw, such a sweet post :)

    (BTW--I didn't have my licence when I started dating Dave)
